Sonntag, 25. September 2011

Archaeology in Columbia?

In Richland Street, Columbia you can find Mann-Simmons site  that dates back to the time from 1843 to 1970.
In his vivid talk the archeologist Jacob Crocketts  took us with him to the 19th century when Cecilia Mann, a free African American  woman, lived on this street corner with her family.
Jacob Crocketts told us the story of Cecilia Man and her ancestors  through photographs and his archeological findings. Among these were curious artifacts like a labeled glas bottle of skin whitener or a metall condom case.
In the presentation we were shown how the site of the family, which was the only African American family living in the neighborhood during this time, has been transformed during the years.
In 1970 it was just saved before being bulldozed like many houses of former African American neighbourhoods.
One day after Mr Crockett‘s presentation we got to see the house museum on the Mann-Simmons Site.

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